Happy day to everyone! As many of you may know this is a special day in our family! Not only is it a lucky day, but it is the day my brother was born 36 years ago! Although he is no longer here with us to celebrate a birthday, and although not a day goes by without remembering him and loving him, it is fun on this day to relish in our memories of Mike! So, as his sister I thought I would share a bit or two (or three or four) about my silly crazy brother!
For starters, he had collected more four leaf clovers than anyone I have ever met. I could search for hours in a clover patch and he would walk up and within minutes have found the perfect four leaf clover. (Honestly, my mom would wrap them up and press them so we could save them - there is actual proof!)
He was annoyingly smart, do I dare say brilliant with his studies, however sometimes he was a little lacking with common sense:)! He graduated as Salutatorian from High School, and after serving a mission in the Canary Islands, he earned his masters in Architectural Engineering (and Spanish) from Kansas State University.
He loved pranks (I don't know how many times he got my mom with the spray nozzle at the kitchen sink) and goofy games (did I mention he was a total cheater - who cheats at Uno, I mean really?!).
He completely loved playing soccer. And I loved watching him play soccer! He was a goalie and could totally amaze you!
Just missed it
photo by Darren Whitley
Mike Burgy, senior in architectural engineering,
knocks a soccer ball wide of the goal Monday evening
during the K-State soccer club's practice
in Memorial Stadium. The soccer club will travel
to Norman, Okla., for a soccer tournament
at the University of Oklahoma this weekend.
He loved playing in the water!
(Lorrie, Mike and McKenzie on Lake Oconee)
He loved playing on family trips!
(Heather, Dad, Ellie and Mike at Disney World. Notice he's in the Grumpy car - hmmm - sometimes fitting) :)
He loved celebrating birthdays and holidays! He was always such a big kid!
(Mike, Kyler, and McKenzie getting Mike's birthday cake ready!)
He loved spending time in Ohio with family and working on his "electric blue" 71' Nova and his dune buggy with Uncle John. (Sorry, no picture right now.)
And... he loved eating Monkey Bread!
(As did we for Family Home Evening last night!)
(My dad got after us for picking at it and look what he's doing! Busted!)
But most of all He loved his family and we love him! And I am thankful for the 30 years that he got to spend here! I feel lucky to be his sister! And I am even more thankful for Heavenly Father's plan and our Savior Jesus Christ, and for the opportunity we have to be together again.
(Mike, Ellie and McKenzie playing at our house.)
(Mike, Heather and Ellie on Karlee's Blessing Day.)
(Mike's grave site)
("I had prayed for a Godly man to come into my life; a man I could pattern my life after. I had envisioned a wise old man; instead it was a wise young man."
J.M. Wilkerson)
-this quote was spoken by Mike's boss, Mr. Wilkerson, at his funeral.
What an Adventure!