Not to mention the fun I had making cookies with Kavan (who insisted on taking a picture)!
Then Kavan insisted that I take a picture of his "muscles" - pretty impressive, huh? (hee,hee)
So, Monday was errand day - baseball pants and socks, Easter shoes and ties, a fun lunch at McDonald's, birthday presents for cousins, and grocery shopping. For Family Home Evening, Kavan gave the lesson and used the picture in the April friend (beautiful picture of Christ and a lamb with children) to talk about Jesus and why He wants his children to Choose the Right! And sadly I can't even remember what our treat was - wait maybe it was cookies (leftover from conference) and ice cream and possibly hot fudge (sounds yummy, anyway).
Then at about 1:00AM tragedy almost struck as a fox nearly got the rooster. (Oh the drama of this Psycho Rooster!) We think that after the fox chased the rooster onto the deck, with the rooster going completely berserk (very loudly I might add), the fox finally got it pinned up against the house, and then our dishwasher turned on and scared the fox away. So never fear the rooster is still here! (He might have been a little worn out though, because he didn't crow again until about 7:00AM!)
This pile of feathers (and stuff, eww) were under our kitchen window Tuesday morning!
Tuesday was chore day - I know boring and not fun, but had to be done. And the kids are super great helpers and they love BLASTING the stereo (because it drives me bonkers, but I let them do it when we scrub and mop floors) to Michael Jackson and Alabama - weird combination, huh? Anyway, after we got done everyone had earned lots of beans for their bean jar and we were off to the library and karate!
Wednesday I worked just a half day and even Layne got to come home early. The kids watched movies and we played outside.
- Did I mention that the kids worked in riding the trail bike and playing with cousins whenever and as much as possible! -
Thursday was great because Layne had the day off and my parents were coming!! So, I took Kenzie to clean her teeth, return some shoes, and by the time we got home Grandma and Grandpa had arrived! We talked, played, planted grapes - I wonder if they will grow? -
Kyler trying to dig the holes for the grapes!
Watering the grapes.
Kavan watering Aunt Jana!
Aunt Jana gettin' Kavan! :)
That night we put Kavan and Karlee to bed and the rest of us watched Twilight. McKenzie has almost finished reading the series and has been very much anticipating this movie. McKenzie was a hoot as we watched - oh to be so young! And we decided that this definitely has to be my dad's favorite movie! (ha, ha) It was hard to tell if he was laughing at McKenzie or the drama that included a little of the cheesiness factor!