Welcome to "Grandma's Camp" (as my kids called it)!
Between the swimming pool, hot tub, projects, field trips, and yummy food - everywhere you turned there was fun to be had!
So our first project was with glass. My fabulously creative mother-in-law, Linda, works with glass. So we got to make jewlery (some of the boys made bookmarks) out of fusible glass. It is so cool! You put together different (shapes, colors, sizes) pieces of glass to make what you want. It goes in this special kiln (I hope I got that word right) and melts together to make cool designs. Then you can make earrings or necklaces out of it! Sorry I don't have pictures, I got so caught up in this project I forgot to take any!
We got to visit the Mayfield Creamery! It was so fun with the kids. They were so funny at times I couldn't help but crack up!
The big cow!
Some of the girls right before going on our tour (this is one of my favorite pictures, ever)!
Mayfield ice cream for lunch! I highly recommend ice cream as a main dish, it creates many happy faces! I had the banana pudding ice cream. It was deliciously perfect with that real southern creamy banana pudding yumminess!
Rebekah may have been the messiest - good thing she still had her hair net on!
After the creamery we ventured to the World Market in Decatur, GA. It is like a farmer's market with fruits, vegetables, sauces, spices, rices, breads, cheeses, etc, etc, of every kind that you can ever imagine. (The older kids thought this place was awesome.)
When we got back to the house, it was time for more projects. (Not to mention a yummy chicken fajita crockpot type of dinner!)
Grandma got the kids started with pottery!
I loved watching Linda with the kids. It was really amazing to see her teach them, be very patient with them, and they actually made pots!
Kenzie was loving this!
Karlee started her pottery with all the kids around. However, focusing and concentrating on the task at hand is not Karlee's strong point. So, it wasn't long before the kids had to be shewed away! :)
Kyler thought it was cool to "mash" the clay (explains why he has clay all over his face and glasses). Kyler does not usually enjoy crafting, but this for him was really fun!
I didn't catch Kavan making a pot, but I understand that as most of the kids made two, he was satisfied with one.
Maybe I didn't get that picture of Kavan because I was being tortured with a sewing project. I wish I loved, even liked to sew. But I just really don't!
Jana's game though, even in the face of frustration!
Anyway, as I enjoy making jewlery and Betsy does not. She took pity on me with the sewing and finished Kenzie and Karlee's skirts, and they are darling! Thanks, Betsy!
I did catch Kavan making a birdhouse, though!
Grandpa took the boys to the hardware store to buy wood, and after Kyler and Collin cut the wood...
the kids made birdhouses.
Here are Timothy and Kyler's.
And here is Kavan ready to work,
and finished.
Later, Layne and Kirk were able to come down. And Layne was so excited to hear that we were having Navajo Tacos for dinner. His Grandma White used to make these when all the grandkids were together. So, it brought back lots of fun memories for him!
Kyler and Layne frying the bread.
(I thought this picture of Layne talking on the phone while trying to deflate the air mattress was funny! It just looks like he is being a lazy teenager! Oh, the good ole' days!)
What a fun time we had! I am so thankful for the many talents and all the time that was shared to make this camp unforgettable for my kids!