Mitchell Family

Mitchell Family

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day...

and an Ode to Mike!

O Mike,
Born on St. Patrick's day,
so goofy and spry!
How is it, that I can still see you
on the fly?

In Kenzie, I see your big heart of service.
In Kyler - your engineering mind at work.
In Karlee  - your "feisty" and determination.
In Kavan - your focus and mad soccer skills.

O Mike,
The ruckus and laughter you still cause,
is great for keeping your memory alive.
The funny tales we continue to tell!
And the stories we keep to ourselves!

O Mike,
You make this day a special one,
Even though, you'd be the first pinching one!

Oh boy, when we meet again!  :)

March 17, 1973 - November 14, 2003