Mitchell Family

Mitchell Family

Monday, August 9, 2010

School is in Session!

So Kenzie had asked for a shopping spree (within reasonable limits), pedicure and manicure for her birthday. She got a coupon for her request and redeemed it this past Saturday. We had such a great time together! We shopped until we dropped - right into a salon chair for some pampering!

Kenzie and I thought it was a great way to get ready for school! :)

Kenzie always gets excited for school - more for the social aspect than anything, I think.

And Kyler, well he's usually not so excited about school. With that being said, he did show some excitement this year - on to bigger and better things being in middle school. I suppose.

Collin, Kenzie, and Kyler catch the bus at 7:00am. Hmmm, isn't the bus stop supposed to be a calm place to be? :)

Notice that Kyler was the only one to stop and look back at me for a picture - he loves me!!

Then, it was time for the younger kids.

Kavan was excited about school, he just kept saying, "Oh, I can't wait! I hope I see McKenna!"

Karlee wanted to leave for the bus stop 30 minutes before need be. She's excited about school because of the teachers, all the supplies, her friends, and the clothes - now if we could just get her excited about the work! :)

Cade, Kavan, Karlee, and Samantha catch the bus at 7:50am. And aren't they cute?! Goodness, I love them!

It was Cade's first day of kindergarten - and I'm not sure who was more nervous? I think they both ended up having a good day! :)

Ali's goodbye kiss. So cute!

And they're off!

"How was your day at school?"

Kenzie - "Great! I like my teachers, well not my Spanish teacher so much. But today we made gum sculptures. Yep! In Science, yep!"

Kyler - "It was sooooo boring! My teachers are nice, though. And I have to stand on my tip toes to open my locker."

Karlee - "Great! I like my teacher a lot, and you should see my binder, and Paul has long hair now, and I saw Abby. I have to put my homework folder in my mail slot and there is homework tonight, but it's yours. You have to sign papers. and I have to work on my spelling contract but I don't have the list yet, so maybe tomorrow I'll get the list." (All at 100 mph.) :)

Kavan - "Good! I saw McKenna! And my teacher didn't yell, neither did the helper teacher. They're nice!"

Well, back to lunch making!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Long post, but it's Grandma's Camp!

I know I'm behind, but I've got to blog about Grandma's Camp. It's the best and the kids talk about it all year long!

It started on a Wednesday while I was working, so the kids went down with Aunt Jana and Aunt April. They tie-dyed t-shirts, and when I got there they were ready to head out for the laser show at Stone Mountain. (They even made me a shirt!)

Kenzie and JJ.

Kyler and Ali.

Rebekah and Grandma - she asked Grandma, "Why does God have to make this show so long?" She is so funny, and I would say that she may have been a little sleepy! :)

There was a little Rock Band going on.

Toad houses being built.

A little napping happening.

Games being played, and this was one of my favorites!
The kids started by the pool - fully dressed.

Then Grandma had them strip down to their swimsuits and throw their clothes into the pool.

Grandma stirred them up.

Then the kids had to get dressed in their own clothes as fast as they could.

So funny!

Coaster making out of glass and Plaster of Paris.

Card making with Aunt Jana.

Pizza making and eating - the best ever!

Relay races.

Boat making and designing with Grandpa.

Boat painting

and boat racing.

Hi-fives, cheering

and sobbing alike, as some boats "faired" better than others on the open water! :)

Then, there was talent sharing of all kinds - singing, dancing, guitar playing, flute playing, piano playing, obvious silliness, and even juggling (Ryan, you were great and so much fun to watch!).

We also painted tiles, ate, swam, slept and had so much fun!! Thanks Tim and Linda for all your hard work and patience! It was just so AWESOME!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hey, did I tell you there's a teenager in the house?!?

Kenzie at nine months old. So sweet!

Kenzie at 13 years old! Still pretty sweet, really!

My how time flies! :)

Always fun to have family over to celebrate a birthday with...

especially a silly cousin to help blow out the candles!

Seeing that picture of Kenzie and Collin made me a little nostalgic. So, I dug up this picture from 1998. It's hard to believe how much they've grown!

Still gets excited! (Even though she tries to hide it a bit more now!)

And of course there is nothing better than being on the lake with family and friends for a second birthday celebration.

We do love you lots, Kenzie! Now, if you could just stop growing! :)