Mitchell Family

Mitchell Family

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More "firsts"

Kyler got his first GRAND SLAM!

And his first buck!

Aaaaaand.... Terry got his first pair of Elmo jammies!  :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Kavan had finally lost his first tooth - almost a year ago.

By Christmas, he was asking for his two front teeth.

This picture of Kavan and Laney makes me laugh!  :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bee success!

2011 brought many "firsts" for the Mitchell family...

Kyler was able to harvest his first batch of honey from his very own bees.

Kyler ready to collect the honey.

Look at the mass of bees on the outside of the hive (toward the bottom).

Layne helping to "uncap" the honey.

Kyler spinning the honey.


The finished product.

It wasn't a huge batch of honey, but it was yummy.  The bees have definitely been quite the learning experience for Kyler (and Layne).  We are all hoping for continued "bee success" in 2012!  :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, it's the New year - Happy New Year! -

 and I was thinking about one of the things in life that has slowed down a lot, since the end of high school football season!

From the sweltering heat of July...

right through the "chilliness" of November.

Kenzie has really enjoyed band this school year. And - despite the crazy hours - marching band was a great way for her to get acquainted with high school!