Kavan had been practicing his casting and was all ready to fish!
The casting!
The catching! (I think Layne has just as much fun watching the kids fish as he does fishing!)
I even fished, but Karlee or Kyler would take my "big catches" off the hook for me! :)
Karlee learned how to bait her own hook. She said, "Eww, the worm peed on me!" I asked, "How do you know that?" She said, "Because my hand is all yellow!"
I'm not sure who loves fishing more, Kyler or my dad!?!
Kenzie and Kyler were neck and neck on the leader board! :)
After fishing, we cleaned up, ate and headed to Jump City! Jump City on a Friday afternoon during Master's Week was a gamble, but we took it and had the best time! The kids had the place almost to themselves.
Making a train!
Kavan?!? Crazy Kid!
They jumped, bounced, played hide and seek and tag, and smelled like sour children when all was said and done. Needless to say, more showers! :)
Saturday, some of us fished next door at our neighbor's pond.
(Thanks Mr. Phillips)
Mom and I walked, and my mom did some of my mending and sewing. (Thanks, Mom!) Then Grandma and Grandpa said "see you again soon" and were on their way home.(Thanks so much for coming Mom and Dad!)
That evening our good friends the Koschene's came over for dinner and Easter egg decorating. It was so fun! And I think we may have only cracked 2 eggs!
and after!
Easter Sunday, the kids search for their baskets...
Kenzie finds hers first!
Then we went to church. It was my turn to do sharing time (first time in this new primary presidency) and I loved being with the kids. Some of these kids are so smart and so sweet that they just melt your heart!
After church, we got together with the Mitchell family at the lake house (even Betsy's mom and dad, and April's grandparents were there) for our annual Easter dinner and egg hunt and Timothy's, Jeremiah's and Cade's birthday celebration. The food and fun was awesome! What a great family we have! (Thanks, Tim and Linda!)
And they're off!
The Loot!
Jeremiah - The "Top Looter!"
Ali - The "Cutest Looter!"
What a fun week it was! A great time was had by all! Spring Break definitely made Layne and I "trunkie" for summertime!
-Oh and just as a side note, on Monday, after school, kids are coming home, doing homework, things are a little hectic, I'm trying to get dinner ready so we aren't super late with FHE, - within about 30 minutes time - my 9 by 13 glass dish shatters to a billion pieces on the floor, Kavan pops his toy bug (that has this cool - maybe not so cool - gooey red liquid stuff in it) all over the floor and Kyler's backpack, and then my hand mixer that I was using to make deviled eggs falls to the floor as yolk stuff sprays everywhere - can you say summer?!? :)
Why does spring break have to be so wonderful and then everything falls apart as soon as school starts again? I'm definitely ready for summer too!!